Winter 2024/25

The seminar takes place online on Fridays at 2:15 pm in this BBB room.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
TBA Brian Zahoransky Exploration of Multi-Dimensional Mixture Models
20 December Shay Moran Differentially Private Algorithms in Linear Algebra
(takes place in seminar room 3325)
13 December Max Engel Compiling Tensor Expressions
8 November Joachim Giesen Daten, Wissenschaft und die Entwicklung der KI
25 October Maurice Wenig Serving MPE Queries with Tensor Networks

Summer 2024

The seminar took place online Fridays at at 2:15 pm.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
2 September Alex Heinecke CPU? GPU? ASIC? Software? What is the Secret Sauce for AI?
31 May Michael Habeck Nested Sampling
24 May Björn Fröhlich ZEISS als Arbeitgeber für Wissenschaftler
17 May Kaspar Kasche Polynomial Calculus for Quantified Boolean Formulas
3 May Paul Kahlmeyer Symbolic Regression
19 April Paul Rump Convexity Certificates for Tensor Expressions

Winter 2023/24

The seminar took place online Fridays at at 2:15 pm.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
2 February Pekka Parviainen A Structural Perspective on Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models
1 December Alexander Breuer Quantization and Mobile Inference
17 November Andreas Löhne Finite representation of quantile sets for multivariate data
via vector linear programming
10 November Andreas Goral Model Counting and Sampling via Semiring Extensions

Summer 2023

The seminar took place online Fridays at at 2:15 pm.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
7 July Henrik Voigt Tree-Grammar Autoencoders
23 June Tim Hoffmann Proof Complexity of Propositional Model Counting
9 June Christian Komusiewicz Bayesian Network Structure Learning
19 May Philip Schaer Gibbsian Polar Slice Sampling

Winter 2022/23

The seminar took place online Fridays at at 1:15 pm.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
3 February Joachim Giesen Learning with Expert Advice
6 January Stefan Ankirchner Introduction to Multi-Armed Bandits
2 December Christian Höner zu Siederdissen Propositions as Types
25 November Olaf Beyersdorff QBF Solving and Proof Complexity
11 November Alexander Breuer Tensors in Torch

Summer 2022

The seminar took place online Fridays at at 1:15 pm.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
24 June Stefan Perko Towards diffusion approximations for stochastic gradient descent
without replacement
17 June Michael Habeck Slice sampling on the sphere
10 June Christian Höner zu Siederdissen Introduction to Probabilistic Programming
27 May Joachim Giesen Tensor Networks and Graphical Models
11 May Daniel Rudolf Slice sampling

Winter 2021/22

The seminar took place online on Fridays at 2:15 pm.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
28 January Stefan Ankirchner Approximating Stochastic Gradient Descent with Diffusions
and Optimal Control of Hyperparameter
10 December Alexander Breuer CPU-Native Machine Learning Engines: An Overview
3 December Christian Höner zu Siederdissen Generalized Dynamic Programming
19 November Michael Habeck Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian Inference
5 November Sören Laue Backpropagation and Tensor Calculus
22 October Torsten Bosse Algorithmic Differentiation and Message Passing

Summer 2021

The seminar took place online on Fridays at 2:15 pm.

Date Speaker Title of Presentation
16 July Martin Bücker Hamiltonian Dynamics
9 July Christian Höner zu Siederdissen Generalized Algebraic Dynamic Programming
2 July Joachim Giesen Darwiche's Inference Compilation Approach for Exact Inference
18 June Sören Laue Introduction to Variational Inference
4 June Olaf Beyersdorff SAT Solving and Proof Complexity: A Brief Introduction