Retreat Siegmundsburg 2022
- Date: September 26th to 30th, 2022
- Place: Haus Rosenbaum, Hiftenberg 3, 98724 Neuhaus am Rennweg / OT Siegmundsburg
- Program:
Paper Discussion Groups
On Tuesday and Thursday, we are working in groups, discussing publications that are related to topics of the research training group. Both days end with a short presentation on results. Groups 1 to 6 meet on Tuesday, and Groups 7 to 12 on Thursday.
Tensor-tensor products: Misha Kilmer et al.:
- Alex Breuer, Christoph Staudt, Niklas Merk, Paul Gerhardt Rump, Torsten Bosse
A Bayesian machine scientist: Roger Guimerà et al.:
- Henrik Voigt, Martin Bücker, Paul Kahlmeyer, Pepe Eulzer, Shantanu Pramod Kodgirwar
Maximum entropy principle: Adom Giffin:
- Brian Zahoransky, Joachim Giesen, Michael Habeck, Tim Hoffmann, Wolfhart Feldmeier
Probabilistic theorem proving: V. Gogate and P. Domingos: Probabilistic Theorem Proving:
- Andreas Goral, Olaf Beyersdorff, Luc Spachmann, Stefan Perko, Steffen Meier
Graph Neural Networks as Fast Global Search Heuristics: - Jan Tönshoff et al.:
- Agnes Schleitzer, Benjamin Böhm, Julien Klaus, Matthias Mitterreiter, Meena Mahajan
Inside-Outside and Forward-Backward Algorithms Are Just Backprop: Jason Eisner:
- Andreas Kröpelin, Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen, Johannes Schoder, Shima Baniadamdizaj, Vincent Messow
The frontier of simulation-based inference: Kyle Cranmer, Johann Brehmer, and Gilles Louppe:
- Johannes Schoder, Martin Bücker, Michael Habeck, Pepe Eulzer, Vincent Messow
Causality for Machine Learning: Bernhard Schölkopf:
- Andreas Goral, Andreas Kröpelin, Meena Mahajan, Olaf Beyersdorff, Wolfhart Feldmeier
Sampling can be faster than optimization: Yi-An Ma et al.:
- Benjamin Böhm, Brian Zahoransky, Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen, Luc Spachmann, Shantanu Pramod Kodgirwar
Lectures on Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: Petros Drineas and Michael W. Mahoney:
- Julien Klaus, Niklas Merk, Shima Baniadamdizaj, Stefan Perko, Steffen Meier
Towards Learning Quantifier Instantiation in SMT: Mikolás Janota et al.:
- Agnes Schleitzer, Christoph Staudt, Joachim Giesen, Paul Kahlmeyer, Tim Hoffmann
Tensor comprehensions: Nicolas Vasilache et al.:
- Alex Breuer, Henrik Voigt, Matthias Mitterreiter, Paul Gerhardt Rump, Torsten Bosse