Data Science Day 2022
- Date: May 18, 2022
- Place: Rosensäle, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena
- Organized by: Theoretical Computer Science, FSU Jena
- Workshop Website:
Data science is still one of the fastest-growing fields, as more and more data is being generated in science and business, or can be collected at a low cost. With these enormous amounts of data come opportunities but also challenges that need to be solved. For this reason the Data Science Day will take place for the fourth time in Jena. The Data Science Day 2022, of the Institute of Computer Science, would like to offer a forum to bring together data enthusiasts from business and science.
The Data Science Day 2022 included the following presentations:
Title of Presentation | Speaker | Affiliation |
Visualization in the Wild | Prof. Kai Lawonn | Visualization and Explorative Data Analysis Group, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena |
Bayesian modeling of biomolecular structures | Dr. Michael Habeck | AG Mikroskopische Bildanalyse am Universitätsklinikum Jena |
Bedeutung von Gerätevernetzung und -daten für die Zuverlässigkeit in der Medizintechnik. Ein Exkurs in die Praxis der Carl Zeiss Meditec AG | Robin Schmidt & Mathias Putz | HelSe Systementwicklung GmbH |
Data science and machine learning for spectral data | Dr. Oleg Ryachykov | Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT) |
Load Testing — Reducing Large Data Amounts Down To Key Metrics | René Schwietze | Xceptance Software Technologies GmbH |
Web Archive Analytics | Matthias Hagen | Big Data Analytics, MLU Halle |